molee's avatar
he's the avatara who came before the rama of ayodhya.. he's supposed to be a chiranjivin(a person who's nearly immortal).
He's also supposed to be the martial arts teacher of lord kalki the 10th avatara of vishnu who's yet to arive in this world.
theubbergeek2's avatar
Kalki is the one who will bring the death of the world or so, no?
molee's avatar
death of evil doers actually :)
that includes politicians as well..
in the puranas(hindu scriptures) its written that "crooks will become kings" and the crooks i know who became kings are our present day politicians.
theubbergeek2's avatar
Yeah, I can see it - Abrahamic religions's final judgement of the souls is a bit similar, end of time and all...
molee's avatar
yep the second coming of christ and kalki are the same characters.
both ride a white horse and both carry a double edged sword.things can't get more similar.
theubbergeek2's avatar
yeah, I know :P ;)

But a Jesus with a white horse and somethin' live an olive staff/wand ? could be cool, ahahhaa... Prince of Peace indeeed!
molee's avatar