2wingo's avatar
I saw in an interview by Azazel's actor that he had a whole bunch of ideas in mind for Azazel's character that influenced the way he acted. In the sequel, he hopes to be able to really show off this characterization.
Pop-Tart-Zombie's avatar
ohh theres a sequel? there should be a baby kurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2wingo's avatar
There MIGHT be a sequel.
Pop-Tart-Zombie's avatar
well,they must make one*cracks knuckles* or else! cause im bored!
2wingo's avatar
Totally agree. I prefer this continuity vastly over the first 4 movies.
Pop-Tart-Zombie's avatar
yhea.they didnt screw with the caracters so muthc,but i havent read the comics alot so i woundnt know,but from what ive heard,azezel wouldnt follow shaw like he did.ah,well.good movie tho.