generallaserfist's avatar
what about StrangerxStranger? Characters who don't know each other at all.
EmpressTuiLa's avatar
Ah, good point. I'm not really familiar with that type though, but would love to put it in the guide! Could you give me a brief generic scenario?
generallaserfist's avatar
Two people who don't know each other meet in a very interesting way that bonds them together. An example of this is when the female lead is rescued by the male lead. Or they get in a car crash and have to exchange information. These are two examples I could think of off the bat.
EmpressTuiLa's avatar
Hmm, yeah, but I would relate that more to the friendxfriend situation because I assume that they would form some sort of friendship afterwards, however I will be sure to add that. It's a very good idea :D Thanks!