Pandadrake's avatar
Lol! Layton's eyes on anything looks hilarious! How many games have you beaten? :P
Mazeyelle's avatar
I know! XD Oh Layton, with your beady little eyes... XD

Well, I beat Unwound Future just yesterday, so that brings the total to three so far! XD I've also seen Eternal Diva on youtube, and I can't wait for the Last Specter to get released in the US aslkdlkdgjytlkdsfjg;kl :iconexcitedlaplz:
Pandadrake's avatar
Yeah! I'm in the same place as you.
Damn localization! Y u take forever? D:
Mazeyelle's avatar
seriouslyyyyyyyyy! D: DAMN YOU LAYTONLOCALIZATIONNNNNNNNNNN :iconraegplz: