DarKobra's avatar
I used their style guide, colors, interior stroke, etc...

It probably meshes a little better with the Gnome-Colors sets than stock Tango or even the current Gnome set. Do you think it does not match with the set?
Laoism's avatar
maybe is the lettering without Outline (and seems something wrong with glossy reflections? I am not sure)...[link]

an example: [link] (from [link])
DarKobra's avatar
Well the lettering can be fixed, thats no problem. I thought it looked a little strange with the outline on the lettering, almost like an inset, when the text is more on the exterior of the speech bubble.

The glossy on the other hand I feel is OK, and was intentionally included. Its an object (bubble) that is intended to be glossy, not matte or dull, so the lighting should reflect that. Other icons on the jimmac's page are similar.