Awesome skin! One extremely small (EXTREMELY ANAL) question: instead of the play icon next to the playing track number (so to the left of "02 | Cannon" in your SS) I have what looks like an unshaded ASCII box: just the outline of a rectangle. When I pause the track this character becomes doubled. Is this a font issue or a missing image or what? I've tried reinstalling to no avail. Thanks for the awesome skin!
Ah, I think this is it. I have:
// -------------------------------------------------- Track indicator

$font(%font%,9,normal)$drawtext($if(%ispaused%,❙❙' ',$if(%el_isplaying%,▶,)),21,0,40,%el_height%,$get(tracknum_color),hcenter vcenter) except on screen in my foobar the pause is two rectangles and the play icon is one rectangle. Seems like a font issue--any ideas? I'm on Windows 7 btw.
Fleshgrinder's avatar
Try the following and exchange $font(%font%,9,normal) with $font('Arial Unicode MS',9,normal) and please tell me if this solves your issue.
Sorry by "text size" below I meant font.
Hmmm, strangely that did not fix it (although the text size did change). I tried some other fonts, and even copy/pasting the right symbols in Segoe UI (the default Win7 font) but it just shows up as the box as soon as I paste it into the settings. Segoe UI does have these characters so it's doubly weird.
Okay--figured it out. It just required a restart. Awesome skin, thanks!