Mayumiko's avatar
Seeing how the setting was mainly East Asian based, I thought the rule was First born son would become heir, regardless of how many elder sisters the boy had, then the second, third etc. son, then the eldest daughter etc.

But it kinda makes sense too in another way. I mean, Azula might be acting this way just because she wants to prove herself to be better than Zuko.
(But still, hard to imagine some 14 year old to act like this XD)
kelly1412's avatar
I know it's more like Chinese Empire time based, but I think in avatar's world that male and female share the equal right, otherwise, base on that time, Ozai should have dozens of wife instead one :XD:. and I remember the current Firelord is Zuko's daughter, so does that means zuko only had daughter(s)?
Mayumiko's avatar
Yeah true, Avatar is indeed quite politically correct and child friendly^^

Zuko only has one daughter, for so far the fandom knows... Well, at least it's what the makers suggested ^^

-Warning, irrelevancy ahead-
Zuko is just SO ADORABLE ><