PhantomSeptember's avatar
Yeah! Definitely go check it out!

Ehehe. No, this isn't watercolour. It's acrylic paint. Watercolours are too hard for me to control. XD So I just use acrylic paint. I think it bothers me that watercolours aren't... well... waterproof. So I don't use watercolours.
InstilledPhear's avatar
Acrylic?! Even better! Acrylic dries really fast compared to watercolor. There's almost a way to... erase(?) with watercolor. Not acrylics, though.

You talented fellow, you. :meow:
PhantomSeptember's avatar
Yeah. I really like the way acrylic dries and doesn't become "undry" again when I try to put on a second layer. :/ I like the permanence of acrylics much better. :D