FablePaint's avatar
Droemar did good *tosses stale biscuit at*
Oh, and here is a super awesome amazing cartoon that I just know you will ADORE :D :D :D
Droemar's avatar
Now I'm really confused. But I only have one question.
Do we ever get to see the lion girl ride her horse?
FablePaint's avatar
You know, it was so bad I couldn't get past the second episode. And then I had to really, really fight the urge to shut it off.
This coming from someone who watches bad cartoons all the time for shits and giggles.
Droemar's avatar
LOL! THANK YOU! I was like "Uh, does she like this, and if I badmouth it am I gonna get in trouble or ...?" I didn't make it past the second advertisement slot on Hulu.
I watch bad cartoons for teh evuls all the time, too. Tell me you've seen the rapping dog on Titanic: The Animated Movie.
FablePaint's avatar
Yes, I've watched a lot of that one. But I still argue Lionhearts is worse. T:TAM is just weird. Lionhearts is blander than a desalted mushy saltine.
Droemar's avatar
I think I checked out when the Mom was like "Teach your son there's more to life than his guitar!" I mean, most parents would be thrilled that their kid had that kind of self-discipline and passion. Music scholarship at 13, anyone? But no, they decided he didn't fit some kind of mold ... Family Unfriendly Aesop.
I think Betty White from Golden Girls was the makeup artist.
FablePaint's avatar
Everyone who ever worked for his father is blind. What, did the man go into raging fits and claw out their eyes? REDUNDANT CHARACTERS!
And ya, the guitar thing had me thinking the same thing. It's not like he's playing videogames all day or something. But then he really sucks, so you could argue they are just tired of hearing his awful music.
The Tvtropes page for this thing NEEDS to happen