spyed's avatar
there isn't much debate, there's a lot of talk. a whole "side" of the story has not been told due to legal restraints.

-- A
DigiAvalon's avatar
Well the point is there will always be talk even if it were all to releasted I mean look at the OJ trial and how that turned out even when a ruleing was made people still talked and hell the guy relased a danm book and they still can't touch him. So don't bother yourself with what one person or site says compared to what you feel happend as it won't really make a big diffrence in the end because what happaned did and it's over. Focuse on the future of dA not its past :nod: after all in the end we can only move forword and prove ourself though what we do, not what we did. Just do you job and what bestr for the site people will aruge regardless and not all statments are worth loseing sleep over ^_~