errantimpulses's avatar
Certainly killing all those innocent people has nothing to do with it.
Kittypainterartist's avatar
Who cares? XD He was gonna create a new, clean world c:
errantimpulses's avatar
it's not very clean if it's built on the bodies of unwilling innocents.
Kittypainterartist's avatar
I know, he wasn't gonna kill the innocent, but then L got in the way >:c
errantimpulses's avatar
It was pettiness that drove him to kill anyone who disagree with him - whether they were law-abiding or not, not "L".
Kittypainterartist's avatar
Who cares? either way he didn'y deserve to die :(
errantimpulses's avatar
he did not deserve to late in the series as he did. L shoulda taken him down as soon as he met him.
Kittypainterartist's avatar
:iconhulksmashplz: HULK SMASH PUNY NON-BELIEVER!