hanzo66's avatar
In the original Van Buren project, Graham was an evil bastard. However his creator decided that him just being evil didn't really make him interesting.
CanRay's avatar
Well, they were trying to get away from the Good/Evil thing in New Vegas. Back when Van Bruen was being built, it was still a good design concept, now, things have evolved a bit beyond that. Time, culture, and media moves on.

Also, it makes for a far more interesting character, indeed! I went in expecting some evil bad ass who was going to make cazador swarms seem friendly and cuddly. What we got was far, far different.

Still a bad ass.
hanzo66's avatar
Yeah. I remember reading Sawyer's formspring in which he stated that he thought that just making Graham the Bastard of the Wastes with little else made for an uninteresting character so now he's a man trying to do good but still a brutal and ruthless motherfucker.
CanRay's avatar
"Good does not necessarily mean nice".

Hell, look at what the good-aligned Player does! =P
hanzo66's avatar

Good and Nice aren't mutually exclusive.