SoundlessWhispers's avatar
Oh, you know it! Lol.
But if I wasn't silly...where would all this RANDOMNESS come from?!
*totally BS-ing right now...trying to come up with an excuse for this immature behavior...*
(ANND the wheels are turning...the wheels are turning!....
And nothing....)
Oh well. I'm just a kid by nature. Always will be. :D
Nullibicity's avatar
Your message gave me a good laugh! I like the way you are because firstly I love it, and secondly because it makes you whispi ;P
SoundlessWhispers's avatar
Whispi....that makes sound like whipped cream or frosting *just noticed this now*.... :( Why, oh why, world did you pick me to become a white topping?!
-ATTENTION! Emotional breakdown in session! Do not approach when light is flashing!-
(Ah...the joys of sarcasm...:XD: )
Nullibicity's avatar
Lol I think it's cute! So you're stuck with it.

*Follows the example off of Pink Panther and waits for it to pause in flashing before bolting inside* XD
SoundlessWhispers's avatar
I will grudgingly agree...

:rofl: Omg! I love that part! The whole movie has me rolling on the floor in fits of laughter! :lmao:
Nullibicity's avatar
That's why I love watching it! It makes me laugh and for the rest of the day I feel as high as a kite :D