Arwael's avatar
Hmmm. One thing seems slightly off (at least to me). The Corvette there would be a bit smaller, I should think, at least to maintain class tonnage. (This is based on the the class for corvettes being any vessel smaller than a frigate and being between 500 and 2000 tons.) I'm just being nitpicky though.

Other than that, it's very interesting, and I love the designs of the ships. Especially that cruiser.
AdamBurn's avatar
It's not so much based on real world sizes just in terms of ship hull names, also to make sure that in the game you are always able to see the ships we made sure no ship is too small, its annoying sometimes if you have HUGE ships as you loose sight of the smaller ones. The corvette may be small but it isn't to be sniffed at.
If we look at it in that sense the smallest ship would probably be a super dreadnought if you look at it from a tonnage perspective.