Ask-Ratchet-Buckit's avatar
What. Is. On. My. Hoof?
DeathPwny's avatar
Nothing, she's playing with her tongue :iconspittypieplz:
Ask-Ratchet-Buckit's avatar
Aw, thats still adorable!
DeathPwny's avatar
It's from "Feeling Pinkie Keen" when Twi is spying on her shortly before Pinkie reveals that she knew that Twi was stalking her all along
Ask-Ratchet-Buckit's avatar
D'aawwwwwww I'm so sad the season is over D':
DeathPwny's avatar
Now it's up to us to provide content during the drought^^
Ask-Ratchet-Buckit's avatar
Yeah... that's why I thank you for that! <3