Jazeki's avatar
I know what you're going through with being a female and having male OCs.
pilee's avatar
It's HELL! I found myself going over their dialogue again and doing barf sounds at the femininety. . .then again thinking aobut their reactions at all is kinda hard. Taking the time to get to know your characters really is a chore.
Still fun though.XD
Jazeki's avatar
Yep. I'm sure if you interact with them enough, you'll get everything down right. :3
pilee's avatar
Yup. . .tho I't hard cuz doin' it kinda makes me feel schizo =/
Jazeki's avatar
You just have to ignore that part. :/
pilee's avatar
Hehe, ignore the schizz! Yep, nicer to focus on the actual voices in stead of the hypocondric disease.
Jazeki's avatar
Much nicer. XD