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Pick 10 Peeps

1. America (Hetalia)
2. China (Hetalia)
3. Japan (Hetalia)
4. Germany (Hetalia)
5. Spain (Hetalia)
6. Russia (Hetalia)
7. Link (LoZ)
8. Dark Link (LoZ)
9. Toon Link (LoZ)
10. Shadow Link (LoZ)

1. It's another ordinary day at Spain's house. He decides to kick back and relax. What is Spain doing?

Spain is Cleaning his Home, he's a Neat Freak XD

2. Spain starts to drift off and has a dream about Link. Tell us about this dream:

Spain dreams about being Courageous and Strong so he can always be there for Romano when the situation called for it

3. Spain is awakened by the doorbell. He goes to answer it, and lo and behold! It is Link. Describe the ensuing conversation:

Spain: Oh? Hey Link, I was just Cleaning the House, come on in!

Link: Oh, thanks *Walks in*

4. What happens next?

Link sits down on the couch while Spain keeps Cleaning

5. All of a sudden, they hear a loud crash from outside. Who goes to check it out?

Spain, He walks to the Window and Link just wait for a Response

6. Suddenly, ZOMBIES! Hundreds of them! Let's get the investigator's reaction:

Spain: Madre Mia, there's alot of Dead People walking!

7. You thought this was going to be a shipping meme, didn't you?

No, not Really.

9. The house is no longer safe. Link decides where to go next:

Link: To Lon Lon ranch we go!

Spain: ??? Where's that?

10. Before they leave, they quickly grab some weapons:

Link grabs his Sword and Shield which he put down, while Spain grabs his Rapier (Sounds Legit enough) and Pet Bull

11. Along the way, they run into Russia. He offers to help Spain and Link. However, Russia needs to go back home to get something first. Describe their meeting:

Russia: Oh, hello Spain and Elf boy, be a part of Russia, wont you?

Link: ?!

Spain: No thanks

Russia: Fine, I want to help, but first I need to find item at my house, care to Acompany me?

12. Well, they decided to go back to Russia's house. Now that they're here, Russia is about to go find whatever it was he/she came for, when suddenly, a zombified America pops up! (OH NO NOT AMERICA FUUUU-) Who acts first?

Russia, He punches zombified America in the Face and acts like nothing happened

Link: Whoa!

Spain: America? Wait, Does that Mean... Oh no...

13. Now that America is taken care of (IM SO SORRY YOU WERE ONE OF MY FAVORITES), Russia finds what he/she came for. What was it?

Russia: Ah, here is my trusty Pipe!

Spain/Link: *Sweatdrop*

14. Wait a minute... what was America doing in Russia's house to begin with?

Spain: Wait! What was America doing in your house anyways, Russia?

Russia: Maybe it was...

15. Moving on. 6 is still talking about 1:

Russia: That America just wanted to be One with Ru-

16. Shut up, Russia. The group comes across China, who is being swarmed by zombies. Do they try to rescue China? Describe their rescue attempts (or lack thereof):

Russia: CHINA! We have to help Him!

Link: (That's a Guy?!)

Spain: In the name of VALOR!

*All Three rush to Help China*

17. Well, whatever they tried to do in the last question, our heroes (and China) end up being completely surrounded. Say your last words, Link:

Link: Oh Toon Link, I hoped you Do better than I did...

18. Suddenly, all the zombies turn around to look at something: Shadow Link and Dark Link (OK COMPLETE IRONY RIGHT HERE) coming in for a heroic rescue!

Shadow Link: We are the Duo of Intimidation!!

Dark Link: And we're always Victorious!

Link: What in the fu-

China: LANGUAGE ARU *Forcefully Hits Link with a Frying Pan*

Spain: Ooh that's got to hurt!

*Shadow Link and Dark Link Slice all the Zombies in the Area*

19. Now that they're all safe, Shadow Link, Dark Link, and China introduce themselves to the rest of the group:

China: Hey, I'm China, who is the Elf guy?

Shadow Link: I'm Shadow Link, but I guess you can call me Dark Toon for short!

Dark Link: *Sees Link* Oh, it's YOU again

Link: Apparently

*Link and Dark Link Stare at each other in an Unsettling Way*

Spain: Ok you can stop now

20. What is your favorite number?


21. Night is coming soon. Fortunately, our heroes have reached their destination. They have to prepare for the night. What roles do our characters take?

China - Cook

Shadow Link - Lookout

Link - Weapons Expert

Dark Link - Scavenger

Spain - Leader

Russia - Morale Booster (Somehow)

23. Russia starts talking to Shadow Link and Dark Link. How did they meet? Why did they decide to team up?

Russia: How did you Two meet?

Dark Link: I saw him in an Alleyway and he needed Help

Shadow Link: HEY NO I DIDNT

Dark Link: We decided to Team up Afterwards to increase our chances of survival

Shadow Link: That part's True

Spain: ...Oh

Russia: Ok then

24. Uh oh. It turns out that Spain got bitten in that last encounter. How does China react?

China: Don't worry, I help clean Wound Aru, but I can't cure it. Sorry Spain-san

25. Everybody decides that Spain has to die (NOO WHY). How? (shot in the head, sent on a suicide mission, etc)

Spain goes Back to his Country (Somehow) and Valiantly fights until he gets eaten in his Homeland (At least he Died fighting and at Home)

26. Spain is dead now (RIP). The rest of the night is spent fending off zombies. How is Link feeling?

Link: I feel Responsible for his Death somehow...

27. Morning. Japan and Germany show up at their base, tired and worn out. Who sees them first? Describe their meeting.

Shadow Link: Hey, we got Company! HEY YOU TWO STOP WHERE YOU ARE

Germany: We mean No harm

Japan: Please, we're running low on Medic Supplies

Shadow Link: ...

China: *Steps outside* Germany? Japan? OH ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU BOTH AGAIN ARU!!

Germany/Japan: China?!

28. Japan and Germany decide to join the party. Does Shadow Link protest?

Shadow Link gets a bit suspicious about the New Members of the group

29. Dark Link and China start arguing about something in the background:

Dark Link: We can't just Stay in here like this, I can't find anymore Supplies out there! we have to Move, They'll eventually Overwhelm us!

China: Nonsense, we can Defend this Place, no problem at all aru! We also have plenty of Supplies, I don't know what you're complaining about!!

30. Who breaks up the fight?

Link does

31. Heads or tails?

Heads. Twice

33. Suddenly, the base is attacked by raiders! Our heroes manage to fend them off, but Russia is mortally wounded in the attack. Describe his last moments:

Russia: KolKolKolKol...

China: OH NO ARU

Japan: *Worried for and Intimidated by Russia*

34. Russia is dead now. However, it turns out America wasn't dead after all! What is Link's reaction?


*The Ghost of Russia comes out of nowhere and Smacks Zombified... America? With his Pipe, Killing him. After that the Ghost Disappears*

Germany: T~T

35. Okay, America is dead for sure now (RIP). But we've got other problems now: Dark Link stabs China. It had something to do with that argument from earlier. China is okay, but now the group has to discuss what to do with Dark Link:

China: That good for nothing- We have to stay no matter what He says Aru!

Link: I KNEW he couldn't be Trusted! He's my Dark side for Crying out loud!

36. Suddenly, Dark Link goes berserk and attacks Japan! Who acts first?

China, He cares for Japan like Family, and CANT STAND seeing Him get hurt

37. Dark Link got killed in the scuffle. Japan was badly injured. Describe the aftermath.

Shadow Link: *Trying to Figure out how Dark Link went Berserk and wonders if He will go berserk as Well*

Link: Well, that's over...


Germany: *Puts Bandages and Medicine on Japan*

Japan: Am I-I going to L-Live?

38. Toon Link comes by the base with a truckload of supplies and starts trying to trade with them. What does Toon Link want?

Link, so He won't be Lonely anymore

39. Before he leaves, Toon Link decides to kidnap Germany. What is Japan's reaction?

Japan: *Weakly* Noo... Germany...

China: What is big deal, kidnapping people like that?! *Chases after Toon Link*

40. Suddenly, ZOMBIES! Thousands of them! Everybody to their battle stations:

China: NO WE LOST GERMANY ARU!! *Goes back to the Ranch*

Japan - *Too Weak*

China - Cooking Utensils as Melee Weapons

Shadow Link - Bow and Arrow

Link - Master Sword and Bombs

41. It's useless... there are too many! Shadow Link tries to give an inspirational speech:

Shadow Link: My fellow Comrades, we will NOT give up to the Living Dead, WE WILL FIGHT TO SURVIVE!!

42. Are you doing this meme on a laptop?

Psh, No. I'm doing it on a Phone

43. Our heroes have somehow fended off the zombies. However, everyone but Japan got bitten (That Sucks), and some of them are already starting to turn into zombies (OH SHOOT). Write the ending of our story from Japan's viewpoint (Umm ok...) (Remember, Japan was badly wounded by Dark Link).

I saw China die before my Very Eyes, something I thought I would never See. The Dead Elf was slowly walking towards Me, hands extended, It's very existence only to Eat me alive. Shadow Killed Link before his dead hands laid on me, and ended up Killing himself in the process to prevent further Injury, but not without saying goodbye first. I was the only one Left Alive, Besides Germany being taken by that Kid... I was too Injured to get up so I stayed down and closed my eyes now Crying out Blood, Bracing for the Worst to come... Death, or Insanity