Burossamu's avatar
No, Its a base. I've played in an orchestra for most of my life and I know the difference between a bass and a cello.
AtomicGreymon's avatar
I've seen other musicians with symphony experience who are equally certain it's a cello [link] . When choosing who to put more faith in, take a guess who would usually win out between those who exhibit politeness and good humour, and those who believe the internet makes crude behaviour and calling people morons a valid form of discussion? :P
Burossamu's avatar
I know for a fact it is a bass, because 1. She's standing, you don't play a cello while standing 2. Its far too big to be a cello, and 3. I've searched through about 20 mlp sites, only 2 said it was a cello.
AtomicGreymon's avatar
She's a pony, though, not a human; and a little pony at that. That she's standing is immaterial in this case, and not really an explicit indicator. As for the size, again, she's a little pony. And in cartoons, size is frequently played with to sacrifice a bit of relative accuracy in the interests of scene composition. And there's the tuning pegs. I'd perhaps be willing to compromise with the notion that it's an archaic instrument of the violin family possessing qualities of both Cello and Bass, [link] , but I certainly won't be convinced it's a Double Bass.

And even if the "number of sites that said so" was a valid argument (it's not), either you're skewing the statistics considerably or you simply haven't conducted a very extensive review.
DragonBoi471's avatar
^This right here.
And it's about time someone agreed it's a cello and used Equestrian Biology as backup proof. Kudos to you, my dear^-^
You deserve a :iconfreeinternetplz:, a :iconmlpmuffinplz:, and a :iconbrohoofplz: for this comment.
ACapitalist's avatar
Quit acting mature, you're embarassing the internet.