Suerte23's avatar
I know, and it's ridiculous. XD It's like, uh, no. That's crack, hon. Not going to happen, so there's no point in arguing with a fan of an equally crackish pairing since it's all just an opinion.
kari10101's avatar
That is true. It also sucks when people decide that the pairing they ship is the only one that can be shipped. And I'm all "What the hell is this shit? I mean, there's so many awesome pairings that it's hard to think that only one can be shipped."

Sorry for ranting a bit there. ^^; It happens.
Suerte23's avatar
Ugh, I hate that. I've seen a lot of stamps by canon-whores who think that people shouldn't ship anything but the canon couples. They already have their precious pairing canon. Let us have our imaginations, at least. D8 Then there are those who think that you can't ship two characters with anyone else because THEY'RE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER AND THAT'S THAT.

I think that shipping is all in good fun as long as it doesn't get carried away and you don't try to claim fanon as canon, so I don't see the big deal in shipping what we like, you know?

It's okay. As you can see, I tend to rant too. XD