Negaboss2000's avatar
Er......did twilight just murder those ponies in order to make that horrible outfit?

Scared Cute Mini-Freddy Chat Icon :scared: Kiara cry *(The potted plant is judging you for your sins.) Scared Fluttershy Inside Out Emoticon: Joy and Sadness scared markiplier scared creepy RUN FOR YOUR LIFE Serena (scared) GIF Star vs. the Forces of Evil -  Marco GIF My Little Pony - Idk what to call this... 
BlackMetalOrk's avatar

If so, it makes it even more hilarious!

Negaboss2000's avatar


In what way?

BlackMetalOrk's avatar

She kill. For those Sheogorath has blessed with insanity find a lot of find disturbing funny. Like "The Exorcist"

BlackMetalOrk's avatar

*Laughs in Ghoulunatic*