YNot1989's avatar
Europe cracks me up. They preach all day and night about how they're more socially accepting that us in the states, and they treat LEGAL Muslim immigrants like shit. Yeah we got our share of problem with Mexican's crossing the border illegally, but you'd be surprised how little of a most Americans seem to care about Muslims citizens and their beliefs.
tuffix's avatar
Yes, I heard about that. I guess the difference between the US and Europe, is that many Muslims who immigrate to America do so for studying or they are already well educated. Instead in Germany, most immigrant Muslims came here as "gueast workers" 50 years ago and were farmers in there home country, so they didn't get the same acceptance. Now, the next (more educated) generations try to build up an other image.
Are there many parallel muslim societies in the US? Cause that is a big social problem in big cities here, which is due to the past and to poliical incompetence, as well.
YNot1989's avatar
Not really, our Muslim population is about 0.6%, and most live in very small, and tightly knit communities in major cities. To be honest Muslim Immigrants to Europe for cheap labor more closely parallels Mexican immigration to the US, but many of those immigrants crossed the border illegally.