Well one of them argues for against capitalism and the other argues for. And America is a capitalist state. So I'll just GUESS why there has been more arrests from that side.

The USA just dismissing the lower classes and their grievances will be the end of that nation. A nation against its own people cannot last.
BluePhoenixx's avatar
I don't know where you're from, but here in the United States, people can protest about whatever they want without having to worry about the state arresting them for it. It's in the constitution and there would be hell to pay if our constitutional rights were violated. The reason why there are more arrests is because there is so much illegal activity. Well over 1000 arrests now. Liberals like to romanticize OWS like it's a "V for Vendetta"-esque movement where the government is out to get them, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The government is extremely liberal (besides the newly elected congress which only makes up half of one third of the power the government has) so if the government were out to get anyone, it would be the Tea Party. The Tea Party protests against the government while OWS doesn't even know what the hell they're protesting. One person is protesting Capitalism, another is protesting the war, and another is protesting grilled cheese sandwiches. There's no reason for the government to target OWS.. trust me.