qwerfvtgb's avatar
That makes me half of a chump in that I'm an anime wannabe-artist who thinks she can learn half of everything from a book and the rest from careful observation.
JABcomix's avatar
Stay away from half-ass anime-wannabe teachers who know even less and publish how-to-books just to make a buck (or yen). In reality, the most they can teach you is how to look at shapes. But enough about lame artist, let's celebrate the ones who actually take the time to learn the classical way by taking life drawing classes.

You can stop being a chump if you sign up to a class.
qwerfvtgb's avatar
No time, no money, no where to sign up.
And I don't read anime how-to books! I read the Loomis books, those are good, right?
JABcomix's avatar
Loomis is alright. However, I can look at a Loomis book and only get so much from it. You have to time? Make some. You have no money? Pencil cost 20 cents, paper cost $2 for 100 pages. Nowhere to sign up? Where the hell do you live, on some island? Where ever there are people, there are learning institutions. Some of them have life drawing classes. I live in the greater Los Angeles area. If I wanted, I can find a dozen or more places to take life drawing. I used to go almost ever day when I was younger and hungry for a job. Don't make excuses and take your art career serious. Otherwise, plan to fail.

P.S. I used to sneak into Life Drawing workshop classes when I had no money.
qwerfvtgb's avatar
reiq's avatar
yeah you shouldn't worry too much about what you draw, just draw what you love and like but learn how to change and learn what you feel you lack. but for now I would enjoy it a lot, cause that will reflect a lot in your future works.
qwerfvtgb's avatar
JABcomix's avatar
13 is never too young to start thinking about what you're going to do later in life. But yeah, you should probably wait until after high school to start taking those life drawing classes. After all, there are naked people there and you have to be 18.