NasikaSakura's avatar
QAQ Not really! Just... unlucky.
dodoman1er's avatar
ya need zee surgery though
NasikaSakura's avatar
No, I don't. It's not completely unbearable and it doesn't prove to hinder my health, so I'd rather not go through the fuss.
dodoman1er's avatar
it is still a pain that could be gone, dear, and who knows what it might turn into
NasikaSakura's avatar
It's not supposed to turn into anything, and if it does, I'll worry about it then. I just don't have the resources for it right now nor am I up for the bother of trying to get Medical to cover a servery of the sorts, and bringing my family into all this. We've had enough health scares from me the past few years. not to mention from all the others in my family that proved far more drastic. We finally got out of that cycle.
dodoman1er's avatar
for something like that I always could be of support, you know
NasikaSakura's avatar
No. I refuse. And don't worry. It's nothing too bad. Just some harmless cysts is all-- not cancerous. The worst they can do is give me a little chest pain, and that's it. =u= I've had far worse than that, so no worries.
dodoman1er's avatar
well if needed I still keep funds for things like that
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