hadas64's avatar
not intentionaly. i'm shocked by the simslarity to your seasons!!!! i often see my mandala in my mind befoure putting it on paper :) what do you make of it?
Geo-Aaron's avatar
You mean how your picture relates to my own? :p And what do I make of what? :3
hadas64's avatar
yes. i was quite surprised when i saw your 4 seasons mandala. i ment- do you think there is some information, something like "cosmic" information that we all get somehow, and if we are open to it we can catch a glimpse and put it on the paper? and if so, we will find similarities in very unexpected places, won't we?
Geo-Aaron's avatar
I don't think so, I mean, with all respect, that I made my 4 seasons radial design out of experimentation and boredom, more experimentation out of either though.
hadas64's avatar
well thank you and goodluck with your mandalas.
Geo-Aaron's avatar