Septicd00dles's avatar
You know I would be dead already I read 10 of these and look I am still typing here to day, this is actually the second time I read this -_-
I am not dead these are lies to scare people
mx-nt's avatar
It's shameless. How disgusting can people get? Someone out there is probably reading about this heart-wrenching MLP fan-flash and wanted to look and see what people had to say and the fucking spam probably ruined it for them instantly, I know it did for me. I am a child of a broken family (which isn't all that uncommon anymore)liked this epic flash and I can say that the spam disgusted me. I actually laughed when I saw the same fucking spam here. A message to spammers: Don't fuck with DeviantArt.
enderloxiscute's avatar
I know that's why we post it lolol
enderloxiscute's avatar
You know what the funny thing is? I posted it 10 times and I got kissed the next day lolololol