foxorian's avatar
Tyler we gotta hang out sometime, where are you man?
TylerEdlinArt's avatar
i know, im currently in Connecticut, taking lots of low paying art gigs. we should get together a few other talents and start one of those blogs thats a bit of a collective like [link] sometime. hope your doing well man, its tough out there. what have you been up to in the city?
foxorian's avatar
I'm still thinking of making Artitechts as an actual blog/website. Seems like a logical starting point, hahah.

I've just been working a full time retail job, nothing too special. It's sapping up a majority of my time ahaha but keeps me afloat with student loans and all.
TylerEdlinArt's avatar
yeah i hear that the student loans are horrific I totally agree with the art school post you made a little while ago. Im almost getting msgs weekly now from younger students asking my opinion on art profession and schools etc, and i never really can make positive replys.