TabaquiJ's avatar
This is some gorgeous art! And the 'interview' is intriguing. They *did* blast their way, so to speak, out of their on their way to Earth. I can imagine the irritation of such a delay would get under Roy's skin. Now to answer the questions.....

1. The sheer amount of it, and the absolute freedom which with fanfic writers explore, twist, mutate, *explode*, canon. From character studies to cracktastic AU stories crossed with the most diverse and polar opposite fandoms. The most dreadful would be - when a writer is way too caught up in their personal fantasy life or brings their soapbox along. That and the ones who think it's appropriate to print out and present X-rated fanfic to actors, directors, etc.....

2. F and G both, though it was far from a 'guilty' pleasure. It was amazing! Stories about beloved characters that transcended the rigid 'norms' of Hollywood and the publishing industry.

3. Well, it's possible that some exists and I just haven't found it, but I would love some Little House, some Out of Africa, *more* C J Cherryh, and hey - Jaws! There needs to be Martin/Matt fanfic.

4. Wow. There is so much out there, and i've read tons.... It's hard to say. Do you mean 'extended' by - writing more from the canon ending, or do you mean any kind of story at all, one that simply runs with the original concept but only fleetingly touches on the source story/stories?
I think...there's a Stargate:Atlantis story that is probably one of the very best I've ever read, that takes the concept and runs with it and, in my mind, does it so much better than the show.... 'Written by the Victors' by Speranza. Absolutely magnificent. In fact, that author writes the best SG:A fic out there, in my opinion, and has a ton of stuff online.

As for the last question, fanfiction is A and C, with a sprinkling of D if that's what you're after. Many, many, many fanfic writers have no intention of, or interest in, pro writing, and feel that saying 'fanfiction is practice for when i do prostuff!' is kind of insulting. But there are a lot of published authors who started in fanfiction and who still write it either for fun or for profit. See - every 'novelization' writer out there.

There is a ton of fanfiction meta out there, some self-serving, some incredibly interesting and thought-provoking. Time magazine even published an article recently about fanfiction and Harry Potter, and a few tv shows (Supernatural springs instantly to mind) have embraced the fanfiction/fanauthor/fandom culture wholeheartedly. I look forward to more installments in this adventure!