mql1's avatar
Hi I was wondering if I could us this just change the color? Is that okay? I would love if I could and I would give you credit for it I would!
Kinnichi's avatar
Still need this changed colors? :3 I can do that in a few seconds.
mql1's avatar
Oh you would change the colors for me? XD that would rock! But I mean I read things wrong so are you offering to change the color or am I reading it wrong?
Kinnichi's avatar
Yes. I can change the colors. xD
mql1's avatar
Ok :) um black and blue but the blue will need to be like this
Hue-119    Red-2
Sat- 235    Green-191
Lum-91      Blue-187
and the outer part black like the outline and quill and the inner part is that blue...
sorry if thats to much to ask for..
mql1's avatar