Qilong's avatar
Right now, it's that someone (Paul Senter) argued that Incisivosaurus gauthieri is close to Protarchaeopteryx robusta, and the two species were sister taxa. It's possible they represent the same species, although the absence of good cranial material in the second taxon and any postcranial in the first makes this very difficult to test. The argument from Senter then suggested that Incisivosaurus gauthieri be referred to Protarchaeopteryx as Protarchaeopteryx gauthieri. So far, it seems most people just don't include Protarchaeopteryx robusta in their analyses at all, or prefer to keep them separate, even though a clade Protarchaeopterygidae is supported.
TheArchosaurQueen's avatar
Hmmm, I didn’t know Incisivosaurus gauthieri and Protarchaeopteryx robusta were in such a mess. I feel that in taxonomy, no stone should be left unturned, so that there are less pointless arguments and so we make sure not to miss the potently obvious. And yes, I understand its not always that simple, but still. Anyhow, thank you kindly for the update :).