archambers's avatar
This is amazing. I love the concept and you have executed it brilliantly. London is an amazing model.

Did you find any of the PS actions here on DA or did you create them yourself?

I know there are several iPhone Apps that do the same thing. :iconsitamae: uses these apps in a series of photographs.
slephoto's avatar
Thanks :) It was really just intended to be a test & it worked well. I need to get the actual collage with the different poses done LOL.

Yes, one of the actions I used is here on DA, and I should update the comments to link it.
I used rawimage's V3 Polaroid Generator [link]

I also used a few different Vintage actions I found other places, and a collage tool from PanosFX. Panos FX is great, if you've never seen their site you should check it out.

I know ~sitamae, and I follow her work. She does great stuff.