bbb35's avatar
WOW!! Amazing and spectacular, probbaly won't find another like this for a while. Good work :D
EspionageDB7's avatar
Thank you! I don't think I've seen your face... err.. uh name before. If you've been silently following, I'm very happy to know that you enjoyed it :dance:

Thank you for reading :aww:
bbb35's avatar
Well, yes..I was so entranced I couldn't bare to say anything, until I had reached the end. I have read this fic from first to last And was finally able to comment on it,after I worked up the courage, this was so amazing piece of work :D
EspionageDB7's avatar
No need to work up the courage around me. I'm a nice person :) I'm very very happy you liked it friend :dance: :hug:

Don't be a stranger :D
bbb35's avatar
Very interesting choice, pairing up Thane and Jack. I've always felt they were the most tragic, having their lives filled up with very few happy times, makes me wish fervently Thane get's cured in Mass Effect 3.

What are your thoughts on the Two Characters?
EspionageDB7's avatar
That's exactly how I felt about them too, which is why I decided to pair them up. I think they really balance each other out, and would make a great couple. After all, opposites attract.

Both of them have had such tragic lives, lost the ones they loved, and blamed themselves for it. But they acted out on their tragedies in radically different ways. Thane vowed to live his life doing good, and redeeming his sins. Whereas Jack just stopped caring about anyone or anything. And made her self cold to the world.

So since their situations are basically the same, but their views are radically different, and to extremes. I figured they might make the perfect match. And yeah, they are the two characters i felt for most in the game.
bbb35's avatar
My Sentiments exactly. Glad you shared that with me :D