crazyashley's avatar
two brunettes can have a blond child, or even a ginger, but it's a bit rare. It's possible thanks to blond and red being recessive genes.

very nice by the way. that faimly dynamic can sometimes be hard to pull off, but you've done it quite well
Starlene's avatar
I'm a ginger-ish kid of two brunettes - so, I guess I knew the ginger part of that. ;)
But thanks so much!
crazyashley's avatar
my dad's half native american (or extremely close to it...) with a german descent father with black hair and brown eyes...and 5 out of 7 kids in his family are blond and blue eyed, including him. I'm blond with amber eyes...go figure, genetics can act odd sometimes i guess.

also...Yay, Ginger! My mom is one!
Samanthia7192's avatar
It has to do with recessive traits in the genes, if the two  brunette boho carry the underlying blond gene,then one of their children could easily have it.