Comment History
ChubbyCorgi's avatar
Do you do custom designs (Full body) Because i'll die for onee,,,your art style would suit him so well..

I would also like Headshot/Bust: 150 Points | $1.95 x2 <3
Zackypenguin's avatar
I do, just send all the details over! ovo)7
ChubbyCorgi's avatar
Okay would I be able to snatch the headshots of (one of the custom so it's not made yet) and one of this fuck here:…

I would also love a colored Waist up for my friendo SoapTheBakuQueen  of this boy: Itsgay by ChubbyCorgi
I'll note you with the info for the custom. Mind giving me the total price?
Zackypenguin's avatar
Noted you about it! Also shaking a fist at dA's emojis aaaaAA