Eolhin's avatar
Yes, Baker has always been the essential Doctor, to my mind (points down to her tag line), not that the new guys aren't good. And remember, The Doctor always wins, no matter the odds, so ignore the odds, and fight like The Doctor! *would loan you a TARDIS, but still has not managed to obtain one*

This is probably somewhat late for your road trip, but... remember to take an Oog with you. I remember that they are very comforting. *hands you a bag packed with Oog treats for the trip*
Uneide's avatar
Hehe, you're making me so nostalgic. But yes, every trip is better with an Oog...
Eolhin's avatar
I was reading through some of my old logs, which go back to '98. All sorts of stuff in there. *chuckle* The whole Bane and Aryck saga. And Amirithia insisted that I write that 40 stanza lament for Aryck. *shakes head and chuckles* I am glad I kept the logs though, I don't properly remember half that stuff!