MicroNekoGirlPur's avatar
WatchingForShadows's avatar
hello its me again :) (Smile)  I was going to put the finished cover on deviant art if you want to see it. Obviously I'll have you in the comments, but in order for it to fit the frame of a cover I had to elongate the work a bit but adding in some more at the top...
I hope that isn't counted as 'frankdolling'? as I have never used basses or dolls before, so I don't know whats what. 

I did the work on paint, as I have no fancy software, but I tried my best, and I swear I haven't degraded the lovely quality of your work!

Here's the link  The Songbird
MicroNekoGirlPur's avatar
it's fine, and I don't think it counts as frankendolling. I don't mind anyway.

that's how I did mine, on paint. this one was bad in my opinion, it's an old dev.
WatchingForShadows's avatar
ok, thank you! I'm glad I wasn't doing anything wrong, and I love it - its really pretty :)
MicroNekoGirlPur's avatar
yeah, you got permission from the base artist and from me, so there's no problem. all you did was make the picture a bit longer. frankendolling usually means adding a bunch of extra stuff and changing up the original, like adding extra limbs and going crazy. so you're good.
WatchingForShadows's avatar
Thanks :) I was worried I'd done something offensive or something. :)
MicroNekoGirlPur's avatar
no, not as far as I can tell.