Comment on Insanity by BellaBugia

BeautyPanda's avatar
No you don't. I like it. Did I get this challenge already? *thinking hard* I don't remember....can you give me one? I'd like to try it out.
BellaBugia's avatar
Thanks =) Give you one? From the 100 poems challenge list thingy?
BeautyPanda's avatar
Welcome. Yes please!
BellaBugia's avatar
There's so many I wouldn't know what to suggest! How about.. 61. Fairy Tale or 92. All That I Have? I can send you the list if you would prefer.
Rosenelle's avatar
could you possibly also send the list to me? This is amazing btw. all your work is DO NOT give up. I want to read ALL OF IT! you are very talented. You can paint such a vivid picture its entrancing
BellaBugia's avatar
Done! Wow, thank you so much. I do not feel my writing is deserving of such praise.
BeautyPanda's avatar
If you sent me the list I would like it very much. I will go 1ith 92, I'll do more than 1 if you send me the list. :D
BeautyPanda's avatar
*with...oops...I'm currently running on a 20oz of Mountain Dew