Comment on Ohnoes by cuito

XyoushaX's avatar
I'd hate to burst your bubble, cuito, but this problem of getting an Uchiha heir is more easily fixed in Japanese culture.


Never heard of it? Okay, in literal terms, it means "adopting a son". But it has nothing to do with adoption. It is simply the groom changing his surname to the bride's surname when getting married. This does happen: it's rare, but it happens. If a Japanese family only has girls, and they would like to keep up their name because they have a family business, a man outside the family can marry the eldest daughter and take up HER name.

This happens in European countries, too, among upper classes. My father once met a duke in Germany, who had two daughters. Both got married. And both of their husbands were only happy to change their last names, because their status got an upgrade, yeah!

Going back to your picture, this solves the problem of Sakura wearing her body down by popping out so many Uchiha girls. (Her lifespan is already tested enough with being a kunoichi, and being Sasuke's wife.) The eldest girl marries, the groom gets the name Uchiha, everything solved.

However, with one problem solved, another arises: with the option of muko-youshi, Sasuke will apply tests of hellfire on every suitor for his eldest daughter. It would be a must to check every candidate of his worthiness to join the great house of Uchiha.
Genjutsu-Sensei's avatar
u hav 2 much time on ur hands