JSOkami's avatar
It's adorable and how did you get that font? It's cool!
OneLifeRemaining's avatar
Not sure if this helps but, I always change the font on DA like this! Just write < code >, (without spaces) then some text, then close it with </ code >. Fun stuff! 
JSOkami's avatar
Hmm....Like this?
OneLifeRemaining's avatar
Nope! You got it to bold, but I don't see any different font-ness. D: How strange. 
Widyadk's avatar
Widyadk's avatar
JSOkami's avatar
WuffPuppy's avatar
Just type 'DeviantArt fonts', or something like that! ^^
JSOkami's avatar
Widyadk's avatar
I hope this works. 
Just copypaste this text: 
<code>Put your Text Here</code
This is the result
xXAnimuLovaXx's avatar
Strange. . the < code > trick works for me.