archive-th's avatar
Interesting idea ... where have I seen this before? Oh yea! [link]
killjoy's avatar
Yep! Totally where I got the idea from, I talk about it on the blog I dedicated to this series; [link] and I have a copy of that litho hanging up in my office, amongst another 6 or so of Adam's work; absolutely love what he does!
archive-th's avatar
Yea, sorry I did notice you mentioned it on your Tali pic. Sowwy - my bad.
killjoy's avatar
It's all good; glad someone else knows about his work; it's awesome!
archive-th's avatar
Yea, I have Legion number 3 or 4 - can't remember which. He's pretty good.

Anyway, congrats on the DD. Love it when some ME art gets noticed :)
archive-th's avatar
Its ok I'll forgive you - I see you did ref Adam on your Tali pic.