Well, what can I say? I just checked again and I'm afraid that is not correct.

The symbolic icons (indeed without shadow) included in nouveGnomeGray are indeed present in the scalable/actions and scalable/categories directories as SVG files, but not as PNGs the 16x16/actions and 16x16/categories directories. What *is* present in 16x16/actions and 16x16/categories are the PNG files of the non-symbolic variant, i.e., with shadowing.

I was able to get the icons displayed correctly in the apps by placing files with the names I mentioned in the 16x16 directories.

Hm, maybe some problem with the packaging of the theme?
tsujan's avatar
There's no need for them to be in 16x16/actions. Please see lines like the following ones in "index.theme":


I think your system may have a problem with SVG or, perhaps, "index.theme" has an issue in your case. I can't know that for sure but I know there's nothing wrong with the theme.