OC-Animator's avatar
Im busy putting them all together with some extra scenes so not for a while
Shiny-Umbreon-Lover's avatar
Well no need to hurry ;D!, in that case I will be waiting for it :iconfoxydummyplz:
OC-Animator's avatar
These 3 episodes are a bit rushed i think, so i make them a bit longer with some more characters and extra scenes i won't create new videos i'll replace these and add HD behind the name so you know:p
Shiny-Umbreon-Lover's avatar
Even if they were fastly made, the look really good :iconlahopplz:, and so your going to fuse all the videos owo?, and how that your putting HD behind the name :iconfoxywhatplz:, well no wonder that you will be very busy n_n!
OC-Animator's avatar
I just tried to put them all together but my shit comp can't create projects over 100 mb so it's gonna be 1.5 minute or so per episode, i just made a scene with kakashi and pakkun:)
Shiny-Umbreon-Lover's avatar
Wahh I understant Y_Y, sometimes computers can´t cooperate ¬_¬, and pakkun is in the series!! :iconepiclaplz: yay!! Could you also put Kon in the series? :meow: dont know it would be funny XP
OC-Animator's avatar
Probably not, not really a reason why he should be there
Shiny-Umbreon-Lover's avatar
Well thats true he´s not powerful :/...so, in that case who would be in the series owo! :iconeagerplz:
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