HopeTheArtist's avatar
Haha Lol. Why Only in The Ending haha XDD Now i have none on my gloves. This have to be edited for the weekend *-*
Kynessent's avatar
haha, I know right? I didn't understand why they only showed up there too. Maybe the game animators got a little lazy. I'm sure you could go without them and no one would notice. lol. ^_^
HopeTheArtist's avatar
I'm sure nobody will notice but I want every single Detail in this cosplay. I made even the clips on his jacket by myself that they look more than the original
Kynessent's avatar
oh, I know what you mean. I'm the exact same way lol.
HopeTheArtist's avatar
Lool i think you will be the Best Hope from the Us. Until now I'm the Best from Europe XD and there is a best from Japan haha