MauserGirl's avatar
No, it's okay to ask - I don't mind.

I rehomed my German Shepherd, Abby, to a friend of mine in Virginia. He and his wife have been in love with Abby for a very long time, and when Abby started to have a lot of issues with her arthritis in upstate New York because of the cold/damp weather we have for such a large portion of the year (it often gets to -20F and colder here in winter), they offered to adopt her and she has a good home with them.

I felt that it was better to rehome her than put her on a medication that would do more damage long-term (like Rimadyl) just so she could deal with the arthritis pain and discomfort such a large part of the year.
rainbowolassiedog's avatar
MauserGirl's avatar
Not a problem. :)