Comment on Chaquira deer by freetobe

StarClanwatches's avatar
did you use m and ms to make this? Prob not. What did you use???
freetobe's avatar
.... I'm not sure what m or ms is to start with, mind letting me knw please? I use a lead drawing to have an idea o what to do and what size the design will have, the figure itself is noting but spool wire and seed beads
StarClanwatches's avatar
oh thanks!!!

M and M's there a type of chocolate. With little m's on the sides.^^
freetobe's avatar
aaaaa ok, now I get it.... I thought it was something else since I didn't see an apostrophe in the last comment ^^;
StarClanwatches's avatar
haha!!! sorry!!! So amazingly cool!!! ^^ ^^ ^^