Morriperkele's avatar
In reality it was a dream that happened in a virtual reality game taking place in purgatory.

I actually didn't see the ending as that weird. It wasn't good, but it did make sense to me.
Legion1183's avatar
Wait, what? I don't.. reality. Dream. Game... purgatory?

I just really didn't like the choices at the end:
- Control: Basically doing what the Illusive Man wanted (I love TIM)... you die
- Synthesis: Mutate everyone without their consent, doing what the reapers wanted... and you die
- Kill all synthetic life (including EDI and the Geth :iconsobplz:) and... live?
Morriperkele's avatar
Yeah isn't that like bringing all the main themes of the games to one conclusion? It wasn't really as fleshed out as I would have liked, but to me it seemed like the rest of the story was there to... sort of... train you to make this choice. You had to make one, and all the rest of the series had you making those choices in a smaller scale. In the end you had to make one ultimate choice and finally decide where you stood.

Of course it wasn't done as well as it could have... but to me it made sense in that way.
Legion1183's avatar
The extended cut definitely made the ending a lot better and I do actually like the endings now.
Sythesis being my favourite (with EDI narrating and being alive :iconawesomeediplz: and the geth living with the quarians :iconfrenchsquealplz:), but I liked the dark and ominous overtone of the control ending: Eternal. Infinite. Immortal.
(P.S. Sorry for the late reply)
Morriperkele's avatar
Don't believe reaper lies! Red is the best ending!