Aerypear's avatar
Light filter will be in your filters selection. Or you could use Overlay. That works too.
Asculei's avatar
after the light filter, how do you put color on? Through what kind of layer?
Aerypear's avatar
You make a new layer on top of that.
Have you ever worked with oil paints before?
Well the process is similiar only on the computer.
Use pure color, don't have it darkened or anything. And color it in on that new layer. once you have you can do one of two things. Go into filters for that layer and find multiply (if you did it right it should look nice)
Or go into opacity and lower it down to about 75-85.
I recomend Multiply.
Asculei's avatar
No i never have! Thank you so much for answering and replying back <3
Aerypear's avatar
You should try oil paint. They're really fun. (messy though)
Your welcome. Glad to be of help.