LoorTheDarkElf's avatar
I figured... >.< Is it worth the hefty price tag? I've been working in nothing but MS paint all this time and I wonder if I spent the money on Photoshop if I'd ever be able to get used to it, or if I even need it. Granted then I see beautiful stuff like this and go 'Y'know, I could make that, but it would take me like three days instead of two hours...' blah...
PenumbralBeast's avatar
it tepends, really. I'm a freelance 3D developer, so having a powerful image editing suite is important to my work. I've made my money back on the purchase.

However there are free alternatives out there for those that can't afford Photoshop. GIMP, and Paint.net to name a few.
LoorTheDarkElf's avatar
Currently have paint.net, and its certainly been a learning curve. I tried to get GIMP but I couldn't figure out the download. They started talking about mirrors and stuff based on location and I'm just like... da fuq...?
PenumbralBeast's avatar
Mirrors are just duplicate downloads. some go faster based on region.