CarlandFriends's avatar
And I repeat, you were not asking a question you simply called the group "offensive, ignorant, and overall stupid"

Finally I just want to ask, why couldn't you look at the group go "this is stupid" and not comment? Why comment? And don't bring up the question thing because your comment was in no way, shape, or form a question.
WiseJackFr0st's avatar
Because a simple "This is stupid" didn't give it justice in my eyes.
Why did you reply? Why not just view my comment and say "He is stupid." and not reply?
CarlandFriends's avatar
Because I was hoping maybe I could convince you to think twice before commenting on someone else's group and telling them they're wrong, like I said I'm fine with you not liking the group but other people might take it to heart, stop art, give up on their dreams etc. I'm not saying you're this big bad guy, I just think carefully about what I type because I avoid hurting others at all costs. But anyhow, this all is pretty pointless, obiously neither of our opinions are changing, so sorry you didn't like the group, have a nice day~ vuv))
WiseJackFr0st's avatar
I never commented to hurt anyone.
Hell, I didn't comment for you people to reply. I am frustrated by the immense stupidity of the thought process "If I could do anything with my time I would probably enjoy pretending to live in a ghetto and stabbing police officers in that ghetto!".
So I told the group what I thought. I didn't say anyone was stupid, or that their opinion is wrong, I said that the idea of living in the ghetto for enjoyment is stupid and ignorant.
CarlandFriends's avatar
Well I didn't write that it was a different admin and ahhh it's not for enjoyment though, no one WANTS to live in the ghetto, hell I grew up in the projects in New Jersey, the character I have for this group does what he does to survive not because it's fun.
WiseJackFr0st's avatar
If it isn't fun, why are you happily participating in it?
CarlandFriends's avatar
Im saying the character isn't having fun but I am because it makes for good character development, it's sort of my thing to put my characters through tough times to make them better.