trevj's avatar
See the comment written on the bottom of the page,our work fromnow on will carry its own copyright even gallery exibs,as I stated I am in the lucky position of being in the legal proffesion and have friends who like to tackle copyright cases and cause a stir,as for sueing I wouldleave that to another dept at work,and any ip addy can be traves I have a friend in the states who works for the gov there and can track an ip to 5 metres of use,hacking I know but allowable in proving who is stealing what,having checked with olympus on my new 600 they have assured me the only person who can remove the code at source is myself,and it would take an artthief to much time and effort to remove it.the olympus pics on here are e300 or my new and much liked lumix,but copyrighted it will be as theft is still theft,and anybody stupid enough to try will find themselves in the soup so to speak,I dont use photoshop or any prog as I believe the pic should be as it comes of the camera,and as I have quoted,just because you admire nice things doesnt give you the right to think you can have it,perhaps its time for others to go get a life and stop hitch hiking a ride on others,would make us a much nicer species,
As for being an attack,have faced worse in court and the prison service,
But thank you for your observations
TreeClimber's avatar
You have not read a single word I've typed, have you?

I said SCREENCAPTURE. NIKON nor OLYMPUS can track someone's use of 'prntscrn' NOR can they track anyone's use of a browser extension. You can go ahead and rely on a company to catch all the artistic prowlers, if you so wish to believe that your photography's fate is well off in the hands of a third party, that is your problem to face.

Those of us to have faced artistic theft, of a very real aspect, such as unpermitted photographs of work presented in a physical gallery, know and understand that you cannot expect the hosts of a gallery, be it digital or physical to 100% protect your work.

To give you an example of how simple it could be for someone to take your work and manipulated to the point that you could not prove it was ever your's they'd stolen:

Viewer sees a photograph of your's they like, say, this tree. They know they cannot view it at a higher resolution than what you have chosen to do so on DA, but that's ok, they'll create something that fits their criteria. Using a screencapture method, they copy your work, put some girl on a rope swing hanging on the branch, they add grass reeds and some birds in the trees in the background. They alter the intensity of the moss on the trees, maybe even completely removed the forest in the background and add their own surreal appearance. By this point, the ONLY bit that looks remotely like your photograph, is the out-of-focus branch that is closest to the viewer. There is no imbedded tag at this point, no evidence that this was ever your photograph they used as a base.

I have a difficult time believing you're in a business of 'legal profession' as your inability to provide full, complete and structured sentences, would never make me consider you to be professional anything. You seem to love to throw the 'I have friends in high places' concept around, as if it were going to scare people away - this will NEVER scare people who do not care. They WILL find a way past you, and your 'legal friends' will be sitting on their hands, and not able to do more than shrug at you.
trevj's avatar
I have been a probabtion officer for nearly all my life my partner is a civil lawyer dealing in litigation,never believe what you see on paper at face value,and if I was to right in Gaelic,it would be correct and you would spend hours on google translate,trying to make head or tail of it,and google translate is painful to say the least,I am lucky enough to have letter after my name,in the correct order,worked hard for,and even luckier to have friends in high[and low places]do not bother to question sombodys credentials,when you seem to be getting your arse in a cramp about something which has been easily resolved,we have got our own copyright name and logo,job done,properly and legally,it would seem you and Mr overseer [I found out he was your other half,I just wondered when either of you would be good enough to say you were swinging from the same tree]took a wee while,you both seem to have a vested interestin being negative about anybody trying to do their own thing in stopping art theft,which makes the legal side of me think,maybe you are one of the D/A faceless people who count penny's in an ivory tower?or just live in the negative world of assuming you know all,and see nothing.....just an observation,not an assumption,I will leave those to you.
Treeclimber-Stock's avatar
To start, neither of us feel the need to ID our partner as our only source of validity as you seem to need to.

Speaking another language natively, is no excuse for runon sentences (lack of periods, semi-colons, paragraphs etc.)

My father has also been a Probation Officer for well over 35 years, and would also just roll his eyes at you for the claims you're making.

You simply cannot handle the notion that you aren't correct. You have only gone 10% of the way to protect your work, and believe 3rd party companies to do all the work for you - THAT is a MISTAKE.

Quit your ranting at folks who just don't care about your legal claims (since your journals have gone back as far as November about art theft), and fix the situation. Plain and simple.

Pessimism is only optimism with experience. Welcome to the internet. I would have the same conversation with you in person, if you were ever to dare leave your comforted walls of the UK.

Trying to do your 'own thing' with art theft is fine, except that you simply aren't looking at it from the point of view as those who have been on the internet longer than the UK has even had the internet. What goes on line is free resource, unless tagged VISUALLY, with actual contract and signed copyrights protecting said works.

Claiming that I'm being negative about your methods is just silly, its as if you were trying to run your diesel car on just oil, forgetting the other portion of the fuel aspect, and claiming that you're 'trying it your own way' - you will only get screwed in the end.

Either do it the right way, ALL the way, or don't do it at all.

As for Gooogle Translate, it isn't the only translator site available, and I wouldn't have cared if you did put your wording in Gaelic, SOME of us aren't retardedly lazy, and wouldn't have had a problem looking translations up. You aren't the only one I've spoken with in this world who speaks another language - and yes, I do mean SPOKEN.

Either way, enjoy the day you find your art thieved, and no 3rd party company to back you up, simply because you refused to use your own imbedded watermarks.